29 09, 2014

What the heck is urban knitting???

2018-08-28T05:28:52+00:00September 29th, 2014|Categories: Tips + Culture|0 Comments

Urban Knitting or Yarn Bombing Urban knitting, also known as "guerrilla knitting" or "yarn bombing," is an estrogen-laced form of street art and it's happening all over the world. It all started back in 2005, when Magda Sayeg began leaving her knitted mark throughout Austin, Texas. Now, it's being done by creative individuals and organized groups all over the [...]

9 09, 2014

The Wandering Ex-Housewife’s 7 Travel Cheap Tips

2018-08-29T05:45:26+00:00September 9th, 2014|Categories: Favorites, Tips + Culture|0 Comments

7 Travel Cheap Tips It was on a wander to Maui and Kauai that I realized how much I prefer simple and unique places to stay over sterile upscale hotels. This realization enabled me to fully embrace traveling on a budget and, as a result, not only have I been able to wander more, [...]

19 08, 2014

Finding Unique Places to Stay While Traveling

2020-07-14T23:06:49+00:00August 19th, 2014|Categories: Tips + Culture|0 Comments

Finding Unique Places to Stay While Traveling I am definitely a rebellious traveler. Rebellious travelers avoid anything on the beaten path, especially corporate chains. For rebellious travelers, accommodations are more about the potential experience than the mattresses, sheets and towels. Most are frugal, not necessarily out of necessity, but because rebellious travelers have learned that the value of [...]

27 07, 2014

Travel Vicariously from Home with Postcrossing

2022-03-16T05:03:05+00:00July 27th, 2014|Categories: Tips + Culture|2 Comments

Postcrossing Shows You the World The majority of the reality and wanderlust are in direct conflict with one another. There's never quite enough time or money to wander as much as we desire, so I’m always trying to find ways to wander inexpensively or vicariously. Postcrossing is one of my coolest discoveries. In 2005, Paulo Magalhaes had [...]

2 07, 2014

Underground Dining in Supper Clubs or Guestaurants

2018-08-30T05:10:40+00:00July 2nd, 2014|Categories: At Home in San Diego, Destinations, Tips + Culture|0 Comments

Have You Ever Dined Underground at Supper Clubs? There are so many places to wander—to a country or city you've not yet been, to vibrant neighborhoods in your favorite metropolis, to the kitchens of total strangers in your own home town. That's right—a stranger's kitchen. It's easier than you think thanks to the super cool concept of underground dining, [...]

30 05, 2014

Travel Cheap Tips—#7 Professional Housesitting

2018-08-30T05:13:41+00:00May 30th, 2014|Categories: Tips + Culture|0 Comments

Travel Cheap Tips #7: Try Professional Housesitting It's both a comfort and a necessity for many homeowners to have their dwelling—and all the animate and inanimate treasures that come with it—watched over while they're away. What one person yearns to temporarily escape from can be the ideal home base for your next wander. And, the it [...]

12 05, 2014

Travel Cheap Tips—#6 Volunteer Travel

2018-08-30T05:18:07+00:00May 12th, 2014|Categories: Tips + Culture|2 Comments

Travel Cheap Tip #6: Volunteer Travel  Just like my Travel Cheap Tips—#5 Hosting Exchange Students," volunteer travel will simultaneously help you travel cheap and enrich your life. The connections you will form and the overall experience is sure to depth and breadth to your soul. Depending on where you go, you’ll probably be honing your second language [...]

2 05, 2014

Travel Cheap Tips — #5 Hosting Exchange Students

2018-08-30T05:20:37+00:00May 2nd, 2014|Categories: Tips + Culture|0 Comments

Travel Cheap Tips #5: Hosting Exchange Students Looking back on my (almost) 30 adult years, there are a handful of decisions that have added infinite value and meaning to my life. In the top five is hosting exchange students. In 1997, two 21-year old French girls arrived at San Diego International Airport. Just nine years younger than I, [...]

25 04, 2014

Travel Cheap Tips—#4 Staying in Hostels

2021-12-11T05:11:14+00:00April 25th, 2014|Categories: Tips + Culture|0 Comments

Travel Cheap Tips #4: Save Money by Staying in Hostels Don't be afraid of staying in hostels — There's a way to do it smart. And, hostels are NOT just for college kids! The world’s first hostel was born in 1912. They are the brainchild of German schoolteacher, Richard Schirrmann, who wanted to help young Deutschlanders [...]

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