Seeing Paris by Boat or Bus
It’s a rare occasion that I surrender to any tour that is not preceded by the word “Food.” However, I make a wholehearted exception to both the Bateaux Mouches and the double decker bus tours of Paris. Seeing Paris by boat or bus gives you a fabulous overview of the city, so you can get do a much better job exploring it on your own.
Not only do each of these tours offer a geographical, architectural and historical overview of the city in English, they toss in unbeatable photo opps and the retention of your sanity (and quite possibly your life). Take it from this seasoned city driver—you do not attempt to drive in Paris. I’ve seen it unsettle many a local. And, don’t even get me started on parking.
Just sit down and enjoy being led along the River Seine or the bustling streets of Paris by someone who could take you there in their sleep. (TIP—I found a 50 Euro difference in bus pricing between Bus #1 and Bus #2 on the Champs Elysee, so make sure and shop the line of busses before you hop on!)
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